Covid-19 - Brink's Hong Kong
As we are all experiencing first hand, Hong Kong is battling its largest and most explosive Covid wave to date. Despite taking every precaution, due to the enormity of infections, Brink's Cash Solutions (Hong Kong) Limited is, like many service companies who employ a large workforce, we're facing unprecedented operational pressure caused by Covid related workforce shortages.
Protecting the health and safety of our employees and customers remains a top priority. Whilst making every effort to meet customer requirements, certain cash collection & delivery orders may be either delayed or suspended until further notice and we are using best endeavours to keep our esteemed customers informed.
Please accept our apologies during this difficult period, and we thank you for your understanding. Normal services will resume as soon as possible. In the meantime please feel free to contact our Customer Services Hotline 2242 8000 or email if we can be of any assistance. As our lines are busy it may take a few minutes.
全香港均正在面臨至今為止規模最大、最具影響性的新冠病毒浪潮,並奮力作出搏鬥。儘管我們已經採取了一系列預防措施,但由於新冠病毒的感染性非常高及感染人數眾多,Brink's Cash Solutions (Hong Kong) Limited (布林克金融物流(香港)有限公司) 與許多其他僱用大量勞動力的服務公司一樣,正面臨著因新冠病毒所引致的勞動力市場人手短缺所造成的營運壓力。
最後,在此困難的時期,請各尊貴的客戶接受我們誠懇的致歉,感謝各客戶的理解。我們將盡快恢復正常服務。在此期間,如需任何協助,請隨時聯繫我們的客戶服務熱線 2242 8000 或發送電子郵件 。由於現時線路繁忙,請耐心等候 。